Tickets to attend the 26th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) in person in Austin, Texas, have sold out, but registration is still open for the Virtual Experience and tickets are available for just US$30.
consulte Mais informaçãoO Centro Knight oferece um curso GRATUITO de quatro semanas para ajudar jornalistas a navegarem em meio à inteligência artificial e suas transformações: "Engenharia de prompts para jornalistas".
consulte Mais informaçãoThe complete program and list of speakers for this special event, which is open to all registered participants of the 26th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ), are now available.
consulte Mais informação“Escrevendo e editando com mais concisão”, liderado pelos experientes jornalistas John O'Neil e Jacques Steinberg, fornece técnicas práticas para elaborar histórias atraentes e simplificadas.
consulte Mais informaçãoThe practice of independent journalism in countries where democracy is in jeopardy will be the topic of discussion for the first panel on Day 2 of the 26th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ).
consulte Mais informaçãoLearning to harness AI is the subject of two lunchtime workshops from Google News Initiative (GNI) to be offered at the 26th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ).
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