
Please consider supporting the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas.

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The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas is a global leader in training and outreach for journalists, with more than 20 years of experience helping strengthen journalism and press freedom in Latin America and the Caribbean.



The International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) is a unique hybrid conference that convenes media executives, journalists and scholars from around the world to discuss the evolution of online journalism.


The International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) is a unique hybrid conference that convenes media executives, journalists and scholars from around the world to discuss the evolution of online journalism.

LatAm Journalism Review

LatAm Journalism Review

LatAm Journalism Review is a trilingual digital magazine that covers issues related to journalism and press freedom in Latin America and the Caribbean. It produces original, in-depth reporting on the primary challenges facing the press, as well as media innovation in the region.

LatAm Journalism Review

LatAm Journalism Review

LatAm Journalism Review is a trilingual digital magazine that covers issues related to journalism and press freedom in Latin America and the Caribbean. It produces original, in-depth reporting on the primary challenges facing the press, as well as media innovation in the region.

Journalism Courses

Journalism Courses

The Knight Center's Journalism Courses, a trilingual distance learning program, is a global leader in online journalism education, with more than 300,000 participants from 200 countries and territories engaged in our cutting-edge, asynchronous online courses since 2012.

Journalism Courses

Journalism Courses

The Knight Center's Journalism Courses, a trilingual distance learning program, is a global leader in online journalism education, with more than 300,000 participants from 200 countries and territories engaged in our cutting-edge, asynchronous online courses since 2012.

News & Events

ISOJ 2025 to be hosted in historic building at the University of Texas at Austin

The historic Shirley Bird Perry Ballroom at the University of Texas at Austin, which has hosted important U.S. figures like Martin Luther King, Jr. and Frank Sinatra, is the new venue for the International Symposium on Online Journalism.

Microphone and laptop computer

Advanced audio storytelling course attracted more than 300 students from around the world

For the 345 participants from over 40 countries who enrolled in the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas’ “Audio Intensive Storytelling for Journalists” course, the experience provided the opportunity to master audio storytelling and expand their knowledge of podcasting techniques.

Investigative Reporting Now

Learn to use OSINT and other cutting-edge tools in Knight Center's new advanced course

To help investigative journalists with the latest investigative tools and techniques, the Knight Center is offering a new advanced, low-cost online course, “Investigative Reporting Now: OSINT and Other Cutting-Edge Tools and Techniques.”

Newsletters 2.0

Take your newsletter to the next level in new advanced online course from the Knight Center

This four-week course is designed to level up your email newsletter game and help you stay ahead of the latest trends, audience needs, and technological advancements.

Research for the Newsroom

Learn strategies and tools to add research and context that deepen your reporting with free online course

The free online course is designed to help you bring a critical eye to data and sources and understand how research is crucial for covering everything from breaking news to feature stories.

Climate Solutions Journalism

New free two-week course offers solutions journalism approaches to improve climate reporting

The free online course “Climate Solutions Journalism: A Community-informed & Equity-focused Approach,” will equip you to make a real impact by focusing on practical solutions for everyday climate issues.

Subscribe to our Newsletters

Sign up for our newsletters and stay up to date on the latest journalism news and events from our journalism courses, ISOJ, and LatAm Journalism Review.

Journalism Courses by Knight Center

Online Courses


Countries and Territories


As part of its mission to offer free and low-cost journalism training and resources, the Knight Center has published more than 20 e-books, freely available to download in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.


For our 20th anniversary, the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas reached out to its community of journalists around the globe to find out how our programs have impacted their careers and lives. Here are snapshots of some of their stories.

Democratization of Knowledge

"The Knight Center courses have promoted the training of thousands of journalists of various generations around the world for free or at a very low cost. They represent the democratization of theoretical and technical knowledge about journalism".

Lisseth Boon, Venezuela
Investigative journalist, RunRun.es

A Solid Foudation

"The [Knight Center] course gave us a solid foundation to start our own project and build our portfolios, and today we make podcasts professionally for nationally-known news organizations... Thank you, Knight Center, for ongoing professional training that has truly broadened my skills and improved my career".

Kristy Totten, San Diego, CA (USA)
Producer, San Diego News Fix, San Diego Union-Tribune

Invaluable Skills

"The lessons learnt from a data course I did helped us launch a data desk at our local newsroom at The Citizen. Earlier on, the newsroom management course helped me navigate the challenges when I was promoted from reporter to special projects editor. Skills learnt were invaluable".

Tom Mosoba, Tanzania
Business development manager, Mwananchi Communications Limited

Access to Better Journalism

"ISOJ is, without a doubt, the most important online journalism congress in the world. It has established an excellent dialogue between academia and the journalistic industry, in a relationship where everyone wins, including common citizens, who thus have access to better journalism".

Fernando Zamith, Portugal
Professor, University of Porto

Protecting Journalists

"We've reached 15,000 judges, prosecutors and other judicial operators in Latin America with the online course 'The International Framework of Freedom of Expression and Protection of Journalists,' thanks to a partnership between UNESCO, the Knight Center and the Special Rapporteur's Office of the Inter-American System of Human Rights".

Guilherme Canela, France
Chief, Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists Section at UNESCO

Connecting Individuals

"The Knight Center's programs, particularly ISOJ, have been essential in introducing me to emerging ideas and connecting me with dozens of digital journalism professionals and academics who have helped shape my research agenda and creative projects".

Jake Batsell, Dallas (U.S.A.)
Associate Professor, Southern Methodist University

Loyal and Permanent Support

"The Knight Center has constantly published and covered my case of threats, torture, exile and persecution, and has supported me in disseminating and learning about the situations I have experienced. This support has been loyal, permanent and very important".

Claudia Julieta Duque, Colombia
Journalist, Radio Nizkor