
News & Events

Cartel en marcha de madres de hijos e hijas desaparecidas

Data journalist reports on missing women in Mexico using training and funding from Microsoft and Knight Center

For almost two years, investigating missing persons in Mexico has become almost an obsession for journalist Itxaro Arteta of news site Animal Político. So, when Microsoft and the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas opened applications for funding and training in data journalism, Arteta had no doubts about the topic for her proposal.

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Featured Image COVID vaccine

Webinar for journalists covering COVID-19 vaccines now available in 13 languages

Video of the popular webinar offering international perspectives for journalists covering the COVID-19 vaccines is now available in six additional languages, amplifying the number of media practitioners able to benefit from this educational resource offered by the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas, in collaboration with two United Nations agencies.

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Featured Image Data Journalism MOOC

Register for online course on data journalism in Spanish and learn to find and process large volumes of information

“Introduction to data journalism: How to find and process large volumes of information” is a new free online course offered in Spanish by the Knight Center thanks to support from Microsoft.

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Banner for self-directed How to report safely course

'How to report safely: Strategies for women journalists & their allies' now available as a self-directed online course

“How to report safely: Strategies for women journalists & their allies” is now available as a self-directed online coursethat can be taken through JournalismCourses.org, Knight Center’s online learning platform.

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Banner for newsletter course

Online course on launching a newsletter now available to take at any time on Knight Center platform

The course “Newsletter strategies for journalists: How to create, grow & monetize newsletters” teaches how to launch and maintain a newsletter through a standard product life cycle. It is now available online as a self-directed course.

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How can journalists improve coverage of the COVID-19 vaccines? Knight Center offers free, self-directed online course

Journalists who want to best inform the public about the vaccines and combat disinformation surrounding them can now take “Covering the COVID-19 vaccine: What journalists need to know” for free, online and at their own pace.

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