

Author Archive

Panel on migration during the Second Latin American Conference on Diversity in Journalism

Journalists need to become aware of their own biases when covering migration, panelists said at Knight Center’s 2nd diversity conference

Self-exploration exercises, including immigrant journalists in newsrooms and telling stories for immigrants (and not only about im...

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Democracy Panelists

Do more and better journalism to defend democracy amid authoritarian governments, webinar panelists say

“We have to remember that journalism is a service to the community, a service to the citizen,” said César Fagoaga, general m...

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Cartel en marcha de madres de hijos e hijas desaparecidas

Data journalist reports on missing women in Mexico using training and funding from Microsoft and Knight Center

For almost two years, investigating missing persons in Mexico has become almost an obsession for journalist Itxaro Arteta of news ...

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Learning is the key to covering disability from the perspective of solutions: say panelists during conference on diversity in journalism

Cover disability from the solutions. That was the theme of the last session of the First Latin American Conference on Diversity in...

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Chilean journalist could get jail time if convicted of defamation; experts warn about effects on press freedom

The case of Chilean journalist Javier Ignacio Rebolledo Escobar, who faces a possible prison sentence for injuria (defamation), ma...

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