


ISOJ launches call for online journalism research for 2023 conference and journal

ISOJ JournalsThe International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) officially launched its call for original research in online journalism to be considered for the 2023 conference and the #ISOJ Journal.

“We are always seeking cutting-edge research in online journalism to feature at the conference and in the journal,” said journal editor and ISOJ research chair Amy Schmitz Weiss, a professor at San Diego State University. “If a researcher has a unique, cutting-edge, and innovative research project in online journalism, I highly recommend they submit an extended abstract.”

Researchers from around the world are invited to submit extended abstracts by Sept. 7, 2022Those selected from this group will be invited to send full manuscripts that will undergo a blind review process. The accepted papers will be published in the #ISOJ Journal and presented at the 24th ISOJ at the University of Texas at Austin from April 14 to 15, 2023.

Research considered include empirical articles (using quantitative, qualitative, computational and/or mixed methods) and theoretical articles in English.

The research component of ISOJ was added in 2004, five years after the creation of the conference. Then, the #ISOJ Journal was launched in 2011. This will be Volume 13.

The call for papers, as well as archives of all journals and papers can be found at https://isoj.org/research/.

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