
News & Events

Featured Image Covering COVID-19 in the Global South

Science journalists from the Global South offer tips to improve the coverage of COVID-19 and fight misinformation

The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas’ Journalism Courses program is publishing a series of briefings written by science/health journalists who have offered best practices and insights on covering COVID-19 in five different regions of the Global South.

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FEATURED IMAGE Year in Review-2

2021 in review: Knight Center reached 29K students, published two-ebooks, attracted 7,300 ISOJ registrants & much more

In 2021, the Knight Center reached more journalists than ever before through its distance learning program, its International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ), its trilingual news magazine, webinars, and several other programs. We were quick to respond to journalists’ needs in 2021, particularly when it came to training journalists on how to better understand and […]

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Jornalismo Científico SDC

Science journalism course in Portuguese now available to be taken anytime, from anywhere in the world

“Science Journalism: From pandemic to climate crisis, how to improve science coverage,” is now available as a self-directed course on the Knight Center’s online learning platform, JournalismCourses.org.

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Democracy Panelists

Do more and better journalism to defend democracy amid authoritarian governments, webinar panelists say

“We have to remember that journalism is a service to the community, a service to the citizen,” said César Fagoaga, general manager of Revista Factum of El Salvador, during the webinar “Journalism in Times of Polarization and Disinformation in Latin America.

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Polarization panel

Working together, sticking to the facts and verification are the best strategies for journalists targeted by polarization

In polarized societies, journalists who become targets of attacks by populist politicians and their supporters have to help each other, report with verified facts, and tell in-depth stories.

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FEATURED IMAGE Disinformation Panel

Collaboration, technology and proximity to the public are weapons of Latin American journalists to fight disinformation

Getting closer to society, joining forces in collaborative journalism, and using technology efficiently are actions capable of containing the advance of disinformation.

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