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كيف نحسن تغطيتنا الصحفية لـكوفيد-19؟ ويبنار مجاني!

يقترب موعد الويبنار الجديد المتعدد اللغات، الموجه للصحفيين الذين يغطون أخبار جائحة كوفيد -19. سيُعقد ويبنار «المتحورات واللقاحات والأدوية: ما يحتاج الصحافيون إلى معرفته لتحسين تغطيتهم الصحفية حول كوفيد-19» يوم الخميس، 27 يناير، من الساعة 9 صباحًا حتى الساعة 12 ظهرًا بتوقيت وسط الولايات المتحد

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Webinar 507 340 banner

Comment améliorer la couverture médiatique du COVID-19 : un webinaire pour journalistes offert par l’UNESCO, l’OMS et le Knight Center. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes, et gratuites !

"Variants, vaccins et traitements : ce que les journalistes doivent savoir pour améliorer leur couverture du COVID-19" se tiendra le jeudi 27 janvier de 9h à 12h, heure CST (GMT -6).

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Webinar 507 banner Going Live MOOC

Learn how to embrace live journalism for storytelling and audience engagement with free Knight Center course

“Going live: Building live journalism in your newsroom” will teach how to build a live journalism franchise in your newsroom. The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) runs from Feb. 14 to March 13, 2022. Click here to learn how to register today!

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Webinar 507 340 banner

How to improve COVID-19 coverage: Webinar for journalists offered by UNESCO, WHO and Knight Center. Register for free now!

“Variants, vaccines and medications: What journalists need to know to improve COVID-19 coverage” will be held on Thursday, Jan. 27, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. U.S. Central Time (GMT -6). Use a time zone conveter, like this one, to find out the time in your city.

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Featured Image Covering COVID-19 in the Global South

Science journalists from the Global South offer tips to improve the coverage of COVID-19 and fight misinformation

The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas’ Journalism Courses program is publishing a series of briefings written by science/health journalists who have offered best practices and insights on covering COVID-19 in five different regions of the Global South.

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FEATURED IMAGE Year in Review-2

2021 in review: Knight Center reached 29K students, published two-ebooks, attracted 7,300 ISOJ registrants & much more

In 2021, the Knight Center reached more journalists than ever before through its distance learning program, its International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ), its trilingual news magazine, webinars, and several other programs. We were quick to respond to journalists’ needs in 2021, particularly when it came to training journalists on how to better understand and […]

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