


Posts Tagged ‘ COVID-19 ’

‘Courses & Resources’ for journalists covering COVID-19: A new project from the Knight Center and UNESCO

The COVID-19 Courses and Resources online hub features self-directed courses, webinars, briefings and other resources in 13 langua...

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Venezuelan journalists invited to join fact-checking efforts to debunk disinformation around COVID-19

The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas, UNESCO and Medianálisis are offering a webinar on the topic for journalists in ...

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Reporters and scientists point out how to improve coverage of COVID-19 in global webinar by Knight Center, UNESCO and WHO

With attendees from 85 countries, a leading group of science journalists, scientists, and other experts shared tips and advice on ...

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Featured Image Covering COVID-19 in the Global South

Des journalistes du Sud partagent leurs conseils pour mieux couvrir le COVID-19 et combattre la désinformation

Le programme de formation du Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas publie une série de briefings rédigés par des jo...

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Featured Image Covering COVID-19 in the Global South

صحفيو العلوم من جنوب العالم يقدمون نصائح عملية لتغطية كوفيد-19 ومكافحة المعلومات المضللة

يوفر مركز نايت للصحافة سلسلة من الإحاطات الصحفية التي كتبها صحفيو العل...

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Featured Image COVID vaccine

Webinar for journalists covering COVID-19 vaccines now available in 13 languages

Video of the popular webinar offering international perspectives for journalists covering the COVID-19 vaccines is now available i...

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How can journalists improve coverage of the COVID-19 vaccines? Knight Center offers free, self-directed online course

Journalists who want to best inform the public about the vaccines and combat disinformation surrounding them can now take “Cover...

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Featured Image for disinformation and covid MOOC

After attracting more than 3,000 students, Knight Center MOOC on fact-checking during COVID-19 now available as self-directed course

“Disinformation and fact-checking in times of COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean,” a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC...

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Featured Image COVID vaccines MOOC in English

Knight Center, UNESCO, WHO & UNDP partner to offer free online course for journalists covering the COVID-19 vaccines

To help journalists inform the public about the COVID-19 vaccines and fight disinformation surrounding them, the Knight Center for...

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Featured image COVID vaccines MOOC in French

Couvrir les vaccins contre le COVID-19 : inscrivez-vous dès maintenant au nouveau cours gratuit en ligne en quatre langues du Knight Center

Le Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas propose une nouvelle formation, « Couvrir les vaccins contre le COVID-19, ce que...

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