
Knight Center News

Polarization panel

Working together, sticking to the facts and verification are the best strategies for journalists targeted by polarization

In polarized societies, journalists who become targets of attacks by populist politicians and their supporters have to help each o...

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FEATURED IMAGE Disinformation Panel

Collaboration, technology and proximity to the public are weapons of Latin American journalists to fight disinformation

Getting closer to society, joining forces in collaborative journalism, and using technology efficiently are actions capable of con...

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Featured Image Handbook

Brazilian version of KSJ’s handbook on science journalism editing is now available for free download from Knight Center

A new resource is available to Portuguese speaking journalists and editors seeking guidance on how to cover and question scientifi...

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FEATURED IMAGE Portuguese Handbook

Brazilian edition of science editing handbook for journalists will be launched during webinar

Brazilian journalists will now have an important resource for reporting and editing science journalism. On Friday, Nov. 5, the Kni...

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Webinar announcement

'Journalism in Times of Polarization and Disinformation in Latin America:' Sign up for free webinar in English, Spanish and Portuguese

LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections and the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas at the University of Te...

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people holding sparklers

2020 in review: Knight Center reached 38K students, moved ISOJ fully online, launched new digital magazine & much more

As this tumultuous year comes to an end, we’re reflecting on the Knight Center’s work in 2020 and looking ahead to how our pro...

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Data journalism feature image

Former students from Knight Center MOOCs can compete for Microsoft funding to train their newsroom on data journalism

Microsoft and the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas are teaming up to announce a $10,000 data journalism training oppor...

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Chilean journalist could get jail time if convicted of defamation; experts warn about effects on press freedom

The case of Chilean journalist Javier Ignacio Rebolledo Escobar, who faces a possible prison sentence for injuria (defamation), ma...

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WHO’s director highlights Knight Center’s online course 'Journalism in a Pandemic' during media briefing

  Since the beginning of the pandemic, the daily briefing of the director general of the World Health Organization (WHO) has ...

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Coloquio feature

At post-ISOJ Colloquium 2020, Iberian American journalists discuss innovation, inclusion and resilience amid government hostility

The Colloquium was held on Zoom, with live streaming also on the Knight Center channel on YouTube. Attendance and participation fo...

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